This blog is written by author Sachiko who is not a native speaker of English, so it may be hard to read. It is translated from the summary of Japanese page;

Bitter gourd bearing fruit

seasonal change of clothing

Coming of autumn

Down quilt futon

Morning dew and rice field

Blooming Japanese ginger flower

Cafe Queen

Sleeping with three blankets

Mt. Moriyoshi dam curry

Jappu gelato

Omagari Fireworks Festival

Understanding bug

Eating Edamame green soybean I grew

Eating corn I grew

Watermelon at veranda

Cooking rocket I grew

Kemanai Bon-Odori dancing

Hanawa Bayashi Festival

Ayu festival Odate

Early shift

Mt. Akita-Komagatake

Nishimonai Bon Dancing festival

Tatsuzo Ishikawa

Largest Japanese drum in world

"Lucky Pierrot"


In vinyl house jungle

"Ramen shop Aji-Q Takanosu"

Hard fight against gadfly

"Tachi-Neputa" festival